NEC Classic Motor Show 2019

Just when you thought the climax of the annual classic car show season couldn’t get any bigger or busier, it does! Around 70,000 attendees headed for Birmingham’s NEC over the weekend of the 8th – 10th November 2019 for the world’s biggest gathering of classic motoring clubs, to celebrate the many landmarks within this year’s NEC Classic Motor Show.
Duckhams were delighted to be sharing the Village Green with the FBHVC as their Lubricants Partner. The Classic Motor Show is a major event for all clubs and enthusiasts in the UK and of course attracts visitors from much further afield, so it gives Duckhams great pride to have had this opportunity to promote our partnership with the Federation presenting enthusiasts with a great, reborn British brand!
We are very aware that the freedom to use historic vehicles on our roads relies on a mixture of research, campaigning and education by the FBHVC. We are very proud to be supporting the Federation in this important work both through the commissioning of extensive research and through the Heritage Engineering Apprenticeship scheme which is teaching the next generation of engineers for historic vehicles. Duckhams will continue to provide educational pieces and technical input around fuels and lubricants for the FBHVC and recognise that this is the backbone organisation of historic vehicle community.
Through our partnership with, and support of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, Duckhams hope to help ensure a prosperous future for all vehicle clubs, large and small, and contribute to the growing interest in Historic Vehicles.